Week #46 Start Composting

Many people think of composting of something dirty or smelly. But composting is easier than you think and not only that, it is great for the community, soil, and environment.


Composting, on the other hand, mimics nature’s method of decomposition, allowing organic material to break down aerobically. Thus, composting greatly reduces our overall waste being sent to landfills, and also cuts greenhouse gas emissions.

New research has found that almost half of the food waste in the average rubbish bin could have been composted.

Did you know, composting at home for just one year can save global warming gases equivalent to all the CO2 your kettle produces annually, or your washing machine produces in three months? (source)

It's cheaper than you think
It costs next to nothing to start composting, aside from an initial investment in a compost pail or bin. If you're a gardener or have any landscaping at all, your compost pile can save you money by reducing what you spend on fertilizer or yard waste removal. (source)

Composting requires very little work and resources and it has a huge positive impact on the environment.