Week #47 Use Public Transport

Public transportation, for many of you, may not seem to be as comfortable as compared to the use of your car, but it’s one of the most amazing ways to travel and enjoy your journey from A to B.


Just to name a few benefits of using public transport:

You don't have to sit in the traffic jam
It is indicated that a full carriage bus in a public transport system is equivalent to about 55 cars on the road with one occupant.
So, if we could all use public transport, we’ll probably be decongesting more the 50 cars on the road.

Greener planet
By using public transport, you’ll be able to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions by more than half.

You can sit back and relax
With public transportation, you’ll be able to have your own time, take a nap, avoid the road rage, and get out of the pressures of driving your own private car. You can read, watch movies or the surroundings and completely turn off.

You will get the workout
Or at least you will move a bit more, as you need to walk between the stations and places, so it's an extra physical activity.

You will support the better future for the cities
The more people will start using public transport, the better it will be for the cities. The more interested the better services and systems it will lead to.

It is safer than a car
More than 40, 0000 deaths and many more injuries annually are due to car accidents alone globally. By travelling in public transport, you significantly reduce your threat to road carnages

What do you think? Will you explore the magic of travelling with public transport?