Week #35 Donate

“Giving is not just about making a donation.
It is about making a difference." 

Kathy Calvin


A warning at the beginning:
A donation can cause happiness. 

Actually, a German study provides ample evidence that people who give more to others – in both time and resources – experience greater satisfaction in life than people who do not.

Sometimes it can be difficult to start, but you can keep in mind that you can donate your unwanted things, clothes, money or even your time. 

If you are getting rid of your old (but still in good condition) clothes, there might be families in need in your area. If you have unwanted old towels or bed sheets, animal rescue shelters might find good use for them. 

If you are going through Marie Kondo phase, instead of chucking things away, you can ask around if somebody can use them.

Just keep in mind when throwing your things away - it can be your trash but it can be someone else's treasure. 

If you don't have things you want to give away, maybe you have some spare money, too, that you can give for a better cause. 

Even if you feel that you have nothing to give, you can donate your time. There are many centres where they could use your help. Reading for elderly people, helping kids with their homework in the youth centre or helping to clean animal shelters can be more valuable than giving someone money. 

Overall, you’re going to be happier and more satisfied in your community if it’s made up of people who give or help one another. If you start, you can also inspire your friends and family to do the same.