Week #34 Buy In Bulk

Buying in bulk is no more a sign of a large family, but it can be a sign for a green shopper who understands the rules behind it. Bulk buying is not only economical – it’s eco-friendly as well.


Reduce Packaging Waste
Reducing the number of individual packets or products you buy also reduces the waste you create. About 30% of garbage in the United States is discarded containers and packaging (source).  By purchasing the largest size, you reduce the amount of packaging needed to contain those products. This means less long-term cost and also less packaging to get rid of.

Minimise Transportation
Bulk food means less space will be used on packaging. Manufacturers can ship a larger amount of food in bulk quantities, while also using less gas during the shipment.

Buying in bulk will also mean you can reduce trips to the grocery store, which will save you gas mileage on those short car trips.

What you should consider
Know what you need and use on a regular bases and then buy in bulk. Try to avoid buying perishables such as fresh produce or dairy products as they can go off quite quickly. Consider food like grains, pasta, nuts, spices, something that you can store for a longer period of time. And you should avoid buying in bulk a product you haven't tried before.