Week #31 Turn off the tap

Water covers around 70% of our planet and only 1% of it is water that we can use for human consumption. It’s expected that our demand for drinking water will increase by 50% by 2025 and yet, we still take water for granted (source)


We should think more about how we can conserve our water resources in general, but we can definitely decrease our water consumption with a few easy habits that everyone can follow. 

1. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
Did you know that you could save 12 litres of water just by turning the tap off while brushing your teeth? That’s 720 litres per month!

2. Turn off the tap while washing your hands
Washing your hands became an important step to stay healthy. It’s recommended to scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds each time, so each time you do it, you should turn off the tap to save water. 

3. Save water while taking a shower
Shorten your time in the shower in order to preserve some water.
It takes less than 20 seconds to reach the one gallon (3,7 litre) mark, so opt out for efficient low-flow showerhead. 

4. Turn off the tap while washing the dishes
While scrubbing the pans and plates, you can turn off the tap instead of keeping the water running. 

5. Save water just filling your glass. 
Use it for drinking, for brushing your teeth, for adding water to cooking, etc. As simple as it sounds, this will give you a great perspective of how much water you can preserve by just embracing this simple habit. 

Few easy steps in your life can make a huge difference in overall water consumption (and your bills). Will you give it a go?