Week #32 Use Food Containers

Correct packaging and storing food is a key element to keep it fresher for longer periods. One of the ways is to use food containers, that come in different materials, sizes, shapes and colours. Overall they should be your best friend when it comes to storing your food. 


Use them for takeaway food
Ordering a takeaway food and picking it up in person? Then bring your own food container to prevent unnecessary packaging waste.

Use them for your leftovers
Do you have any leftovers? No need to get rid of them. Use a food container to store them in the fridge and eat it later. 

Use them for work
Use them as a meal box for work. If you prepared your own meal, you should take it with you. 

Use them for storing food in the fridge
Think of food containers as providing “shelled physical protection” for the stored food.
When the food remains clean, fresh, and dry inside the food containers, its overall quality including its flavours, colours, and textures can be preserved.

Tip: don’t forget to invest in good quality materials for your food containers and take care of them in order to prolong their life.