Week #29 Say no to freebies

Oh, the freebies. Most of the time we consider them as an innocent gift or something that we will definitely use. At the end of the day, these items become just a bunch of useless stuff that will clutter our home and eventually we will just throw them away without even using them. 


We need to learn to say “no”. 

How many of you have at home some branded T-shirts, plastic water bottles (made of who-knows-what), key chains, balls, calendars, pens and pencils. We take these items with us without giving them much thought or with the excitement of getting something for free. 

But most of these things will just end up piled somewhere in the shelves or drawers and never seen again for years. 

We need to change our mindset and say no to things. If we really don’t want something, it doesn't matter it comes free, then we should not accept it (this applies to any aspect to your life). The less we take them, the less the companies will produce them.

Be polite and say “No, thank you.” As easy as that.