Week #28 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Have you heard about the three ‘R’?
It represents three simple principles to live by, that can help us to achieve a more sustainable future for our planet. 


But let’s break it down, what each ‘R’ represents.

First ‘R’ for reduce. 
Before you want to buy something, you should always ask yourself whether you need it. If so, how is it packed? Is there an alternative with less packaging or even better, no packaging?
Is this item made of recycled materials?

You should definitely avoid impulsive shopping and always give it a proper thought about what you really need. 

Second ‘R’ stands for reuse. 
Do you have things that could be repaired? Or do you have things that can be repurposed?
Someone can see trash in the old jars and someone can see them as new pots for plants. 
Clothes can find a new purpose as different items. 
If you think you can’t use any of those things, you can also donate them or swap them. 
You might know the idiom “One man's trash is another man's treasure.”

The third ‘R’ stands for recycling. 
If you find the things going to their end, you should think about the right way to get rid of them. Make sure you recycle whenever it is possible. 

The primary objective of three ‘R’ principles is to be more mindful when buying things, minimising the use of new resources and the efficiency of using the things you already have. 

What do you think, will you give it a go?