Week #27 Ditch the plastic toothbrush

What is usually the first thing you do in the morning? Majority of you would say brush your teeth with your plastic toothbrush.

Do you know how long does it take for a plastic toothbrush to decompose?
Would you guess that this small item that you use on everyday bases takes over 400 years to decompose?


Something that common as brushing your teeth can have a huge impact on the environment. 

Interesting facts about toothbrushes:

Most of us will replace around 300 toothbrushes during our lifetime
Toothbrushes are not recyclable since small parts get stuck in the machinery. 
If you laid out the toothbrushes thrown away in the US in a year, they would wrap around the Earth four times (source).

Here are few facts why you should think of switching to an alternative:
1. Over a billion toothbrushes end up in the landfill just in the US every year. 
2. Plastic toothbrushes can be toxic - depending on what plastic they are made of. 
3. They pollute our environment and oceans. 
4. They basically won't decompose (or at least not in our lifetime)

One of the alternatives, for example, are bamboo brushes, that are gaining more popularity and they are 100% biodegradable.

This is such an easy thing for a person to do to immediately reduce the plastic waste created in their household.