Week #11 Meat-free Mondays (Or any other days)

Did you know that every 10 seconds, humans kill roughly 24,000 animals for food? That adds up to 75 billion each year


These days, more than ever, we need to eat fresh produce - veggies and fruits in order to get the necessary intake of vitamins & nutrients from natural sources

Have you considered of lowering your meat consumption? For many it can be challenging, but why not to try to reduce it step by step. There is a global citizenship project, which came up with the idea for 'Meat-free Mondays'.

Launched by Paul, Mary and Stella McCartney in 2009, Meat Free Monday is a not-for-profit campaign which aims to raise awareness of the detrimental environmental impact of animal agriculture and industrial fishing.

Visit their website to learn about this initiative, the latest information and some delish veggie recipes. 

And in order to make it more convincing, reducing the meat intake can help you:

- Reduce the Risk of Heart Failure, Heart Disease and Stroke
Eating foods with animal fats in is really challenging for the human body. 

- Reduce Levels of Cholesterol

- Reduce the Risk of Obesity

- Reduce the Risk of Cancer

- Reduce Expenses
Veggies are much cheaper than meat production. Eat less meat + more veg = save money

- Reduced Environmental Damage
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the livestock sector is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global”

- Reduced World Hunger
Animals convert plant protein and energy into meat protein and energy inefficiently; in fact, it can take up to 1kg of grain to produce 1kg of beef

- Reduced Risk Of Species Extinction

- Reduced Animal Cruelty & Suffering

So changing your diet for at least one day a week can make a huge impact on your body and environment.