Tip #10 Start riding your bike

When was the last time you took your bike for a ride?


Did you know that you can fit about 15 bicycles in the same space that one car occupies?

You maybe don’t realise it but riding a bike has so many benefits.

1. Health benefits

Start from you and do it for you. 
Riding your bicycle can help build muscle, eliminate fat, strengthen your legs, lower blood pressure and increase endurance.  And also lowers stress and anxiety. 

2. Environmental benefits

The more cars we can get off the road, the better it will be for the environment.

3. Economic benefits

No need for a car, fuel, insurance, parking fees, nothing. 

4. Social benefits

This is one good social activity. Take your friends or family for a ride to a park or join a cycling club. 

5. Transportation benefits

I know it really depends on the city where you live, but many cities are building new bike paths to make it safe. And you can really save some time in the traffic when riding a bike. 

6. Sports benefits

You are not only building your muscles but by riding a bike you can lower your risk of injury in other sports. It makes you more resilient. 

7. Personal benefits 

You can find your inner peace. Who wouldn’t love that? Clear your head with a nice bike ride. 

For example, compared to cars, a daily 16-kilometre commute on a bicycle saves a rider close to $15 per day, five kilos of carbon dioxide emissions and they burn around 360 extra calories. That's a no brainer.