Week #12 Start Swapping

Did you know that swapping 1 suitcase (20kg) of clothes saves enough energy to run a TV non-stop for 1.7 years?


If you haven't tried it, then I need to warn you, it's highly addictive and so much fun.

And again, there come some benefits with it, too:

Recycling takes items you have finished with and puts them back into circulation.

By passing your clothes, accessories or equipment on to others, you are diverting materials from landfill thus conserving resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Reusing a product, rather than buying a new one, reduces the demands for water, energy and raw materials. This reduces the impact on the environment.

Swapping clothing diverts these organic materials from landfill. In a landfill, they produce methane, a greenhouse gas with the global warming capacity 20 times stronger than CO2.

Swapping events are gaining more and more attention. Check Google or Facebook for one in your city. Nothing around? Start your own! Get a bunch of your friends and family together and bring what have you got.