Week #42 Dress Up Before You Turn The Heater On

Wintertime is coming and with that also cooler & darker days. We all love to be cosy and warm during this time of the year, but let's not to forget, that sometimes we start our heating way too early. 


Dress in Layers
When you go out, you know that the best way how to dress is to put on layers. You can apply the same principle at home. If it's getting colder at home before automatically turning on the heater, try to add some more layers. Layers will insulate your body and make it easier to regulate your body temperature.

Wear socks and slippers. 
Keeping your feet warm will make your whole body feel warmer.

Other tips on how to keep yourself warm before turning the heater on:

Leave the oven open after baking
If you are cooking and baking, this is an easy way how to add some warmth to your home. Once when you finish the baking and turn it off, just leave the oven open and let the warmth (and some nice aromas from baking) get into your home. But be aware if you have pets or kids at home (safety first). 

Have hot beverages or meals
Besides warming up your space, you can also warm yourself from the inside. Ideally with hot meals, especially soups or warm beverages. Coffee, tea or even hot cocoa will not only warm you up but will add up to the home cosiness. 

During the colder parts of the year, it can be tricky to stay warm without cranking up the heat (source).