Tip #88 Educate Yourself

The eagerness to educate yourself and look for new information should last you your whole life.
It opens you a door to a world without borders. Not only when it comes to skills and knowledge but also to common knowledge.

Thanks to the Internet we have an unlimited source of information, 24/7.


Education brings optimism

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
- Winston Churchill

The more you will educate yourself, the more you will know how to connect the dots and see the opportunities where the others don't see them.

You will be unstoppable
Education makes you unstoppable. Once you start educating yourself (and know we mean from the verified source information) and looking for a solution, you will be more productive. The more productive you will be the easier will be for you to get over the obstacles, which makes you unstoppable. More knowledge also means better decisions in your life.

And the better decisions for you it also should mean better decision for our planet.

What will you learn today?