Week#18 Carry a reusable water bottle

Just imagine, as an average human being, you need to drink the equivalent of four plastic bottles (0,5l) per day, which means that you would use 1,460 plastic bottles per year.


If you went like this for years, you can do your math how many bottles a person can use over a lifetime. But you can change this and save all those single-use water bottles with one reusable bottle and a little discipline. 

Just some reasons to be more organised to carry your own bottle. 

1. Reusable water bottle stops pollution  

Pollution from discarded single-use water bottles affect our oceans, our wildlife and can have a devastating effect on the environment. They cause damage when they are being produced, and when they are discarded.

2. Animals will thank you

This comes hand in hand with the previous point. It can take up to 450 years for a single-use plastic water bottle to degrade naturally in a landfill, it’s no surprise that this trash is everywhere and animals can easily mistake it for food. 

3. You will save money

If you spend minimum one $ per bottle here and there, it can quickly add to the monthly cost for no reason.

4. It’s more convenient & healthy

If you make it a habit and carry a reusable bottle with you everywhere you go, it can also help you to keep up with your necessary daily water intake. And you will always know what’s in the bottle. 

Keep up the good work.