Week#15 Let's Talk About Period

Plastic became a huge part in our modern life – and menstruation is no exception. So, ladies, this one is dedicated to you, gentlemen, please bear with us this time. Let's talk about our period. 


Did you know that women use an estimated 11,000 disposable period products over the 450 periods they each have in their lifetime?

Sanitary products are the fifth most common item found on Europe’s beaches, more widespread than single-use coffee cups, cutlery or straws. For example, in the UK, some 200,000 tonnes of material is believed to end up in landfill every year (source).

Another thing we should keep in mind, and what came as a surprise, some tampons are bleached with chlorine to achieve that pearly white look, contain pesticides, fragrances, glue and even glyphosate, the controversial ingredient used in some weed killers.

For something that intimate as the menstruation is, it's quite heartbreaking to see that there are no proper regulations to the sanitary products. 

However, we can see a movement and women start to question the products they are using.  And now, we can see more and more options for a plastic-free period. 

A little exercise: In this link, you can calculate your savings if you switch to one of the options like a menstrual cup. Just scroll down the page. Note, this is not a sponsored link, we just found it interesting.