Week #14 Support your local shop

When people support each other, incredible things happen.


Local businesses are something that makes your city, country, culture a very special place. It adds a personality to the place you live in. Without them, it would be just boring and so uniform. And it’s our time to give them the support they need as they were supporting us in our everyday lives most of the time even without noticing).

The beautiful thing, after this crisis, is over, that many things we took for granted we will be able to appreciate more than ever. 

Here are some tips on how you can support your local businesses:

Shop in local store
Do you need some bits and pieces for baking a new cake? Or do you need a fresh bakery? Try to find those things in your local shop.

In need for some fresh produce?
If you have a farm shop in your area, try to look for the fresh seasonal produce over there. You will do good by supporting a business that is usually living on the edge and now even more. Get some nice intake of vitamins from fresh veggies or fruits (instead of canned food). 


Order takeaway
Can’t you go out for lunch or dinner at your favourite restaurant? Ask them if they do the delivery. This way you can support a local business, which was closed not by their choice but due to the restrictions. So yourself a break from home-cooking, support a local bistro by ordering delivery and you will have some yummy treat.


Don’t ask for a refund
Were you supposed to go to a concert? Or have you got tickets for a play at your local theatre? For cultural institutions is asking for a refund a make or break time. Consider it as a donation and at least you will have something to look for once when this crisis is over.


Treat yourself
Have you always had something in your mind that you want to buy? Does a local brand have it? If so, now is the best time for this purchase. Can't think of anything? Buy a gift card (for yourself or a friend) and support them later. 


No money to spend?
Many people don’t have that luxury of spending money on things they don’t necessarily need at the moment. We totally understand that. But you can still support your local businesses. Just spread a word, recommend them to your neighbours, friends, family. It doesn’t cost you a penny. There is always a way if we want to find it. 

Anyway, good luck, stay strong and safe.