Tip #74 Always use double-sided printing wherever possible
All of us are guilty of printing single-sided sheets for documents that have a short lifespan. Think about those assignments, company reports or the files that you’ve printed at home or at an office, which you end up using once and then throw it away.
Paper waste is a huge issue, typically accounting for up to 25% of the waste in landfill sites. To cut down on paper waste, better habits need to be used.
Here are few tips for eco-printing:
1. Try to go digital
Often we realise that the documents we printed we didn’t use at all at the end of the day. So if there is an option to share your reports, documents, assignments anything online, try to do it.
2. Choose eco-conscious paper
There are many options for printing paper that have the label eco-conscious or at least they use certified forests for paper production.
3. If printing is necessary then choose the option for double-printing
Approximately 18 trees are cut down for every 10 employees per year. To save paper, set photocopiers and printers to default to single copies and print double-sided.
4. Recycle all the paper
Recycling schemes for a wide range of printed materials mean the usage trail doesn’t have to end in your office. If security is a concern, pass sensitive or confidential documents through a shredder prior to recycling.