Tip #7/53 Ditch The Tea Bags

Did you know that the leaves used in most bags are actually the "dust and fannings" from broken tea leaves?


If we would only compare the quality, the taste and the freshness of the loose tea versus tea bags, you already know what would be a better option for you. 

But to make it even more convincing, here are some benefits of switching for loose leaf tea:

-  Loose leaf tea requires fewer packaging materials (no tea bags, strings, staple and no plastic packaging for every single tea bag)

- You can actually compost your leftover tea in your garden

- And again it just tastes better


A little note: 

Probably the most shocking information for me was when a new study has found that a single plastic tea bag (usually those fancy pyramid-shaped ones) can shed billions of particles of microplastics – significantly higher than the estimated amount of microplastic particles consumed by a person in an entire year.

When testing these plastic tea bags, researchers found that they released around 11.6 billion microplastics and 3.1 billion smaller nano plastic particles, per bag, into the water.

So if even the loose tea is (for some reason) not an option for you, at least try to avoid the plastic intake into your body. A tip for you, cut the tea bags and brew the tea through a tea infuser. 

Anyway, cheers!