Tip #94 Clean After Yourself

Good weather calls for outdoor social gatherings. And social gathering calls for some party and feast. And feast equals lots of rubbish left behind when the party is over.

So one important thing you have to learn. What you bring with you, should leave with you. Every single bit of it and never leave anything behind.

The most littered item is the fast-food packaging, including fast-food wrappers, containing plastic, cardboard and paper are the most littered object. The chance of people littering these kinds of items increases greatly on highways.

The main causes of littering are laziness, ignorance, people don’t realize the effects of littering, the bins are dirty and not big enough, there are not enough bins, and those bins aren’t emptied often enough poor parenting and education, there is no fine for littering, one person can’t make a difference, no sense of pride, not bothered about effects of littering.

Cigarette butts make up over half of our littered objects, and they take a grand total of ten years to decompose because of cellulose acetate, contrary to the popular perception that cigarette butts decompose very quickly in only a matter of days. In reality, cigarette butts are a serious threat to the environment (source).

So next time, you are meeting with your friends, go for a walk or to the beach and have something with you, just take it back with you and then dispose of it properly.