Tip #87 Be Active

Or activist. Call it either way. Sometimes our government, city, the community doesn't follow the best interests of the environment, planet, society, but rather chooses personal interests. Which can be frustrating.


That time, we might feel powerless. But we don't have to. We don't have to just look and sit around, to see what happens. We can actually be active and come up with solutions.

First, what is the definition of activism; Activism consists of efforts to impede or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reform to make changes in society toward a perceived greater good.

Activism is also the action of speaking up about personal causes, raising an inner voice to support one’s opinions, and can take form in protests, social work, or problem-solving.

The use of the word “Activism” had started in the 20th century when people began protesting and revolutionizing against world war colonization. Later on, other forms of activism appeared, such as feminism, anti-racism, queer activism, and environmentalism. These movements accomplished so much and have contributed to making the world a better place (source).

For example, when some issue appears in your community/city/country that needs the attention of our leaders, you can start a petition. We know that this way when people follow the good cause and sign the petition, it can attract the attention of the leaders.